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Peter Mills

Peter Mills

Narusasu fanfiction lemon


































AT THE APARTMENT! 'ok tonight iam going to tell him now matter what! 'he was a Uchiha for fucks sake they do not get flustered.Naruto didn't try to stop the thrust of his hips he wanted so badly to fuck sasuke in the mouth see his face with his seed all over, begging for it, screaming for him to go harder,faster, for more EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>














a narusasu lemon, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction

narusasu fanfiction lemon
narusasu fanfiction lemon fr Image source: i.skyrock.net

if I told you what sometimes happens to me. The Awakening 18.First, this story can get a little confusing when it comes to how I explain how someone looks like in the first chapters.I Dare You 7. Early Morning 19. how he just now had noticed the blonde-haired person. 'Neji.However, without his knowledge, a boy, from his class, has been standing outside the wardrobe the whole time.Getting his normal seat at the further back right side of the class room got Sasuke quickly bored by waiting, and soon found himself glaring at the wall.It went on, even all the boys did the same, cause if they didn't.And what he felt was something that felt like two hands that touched him all over his body, covering his skin in a fire of pleasure.' the person though as his eyes now changed from comforting eyes to lustful.I am as big NaruSasu fan that you can get.The black haired boy took a sip of his hot herb tea and thought about the proposal for a second.He turned and vanished behind the corner as Sasuke was leaving the wardrobe.No one knew why, they searched for 3 years.What excites me more is that she lives in an ancestral house where handsome and yummy men gather.Finally giving up they started to forget Naruto,everyone except for Sasuke that is.Now Sasuke is mad at him, and they end up getting into a bad fight Naruto only knows one way to fix it.What happens now that they realize they're urges and they are alone in the office at night.Smut, smut because I love smut:D Shizaya, AU, vulgar language.He wakes up in the morning, and has a talk with Sasuke that goes sour.

narusasu fanfiction lemon
narusasu fanfiction lemon one shots Image source: i.skyrock.net

Naruto Oneshot Lemons Chapter 1: NaruSasu, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction

Sasuke had come back Naruto had kind of run out of goals. Naruto.Uchiha changed into a beautiful girl, long black hair, perfect body.That's what I thought, but I realised it's true. Naruto.Contains Yaoi pairings, and lots of other undesirable stuff.Lemony mood I'm in.Naruto onto her back, and pushed himself into her, kissing her deeply. And I don't even like NaruSasu.Naruto started to moan, enjoying herself immensely. I love a narusasu lemon.

belettechan | FanFiction

Mais il se retrouve avec un humanoide a la place.Et quand enfin celui-ci revient, quelque chose cloche.Ceci est un OS Schoolfic qui se deroule en dehors de l'ecole et un special SasuNaru Day au PDV de Naruto.Partit se rafraichir les idees dans un bar, il se retrouveras face a un inconnu pas si inconnu que ca.Un pas en arriere.Avant, il restait sous la pluie a attendre, maintenant, il a le doux foyer de l'illustrateur qui l'attend.Surtout quand celui ci est decide a se trouve une petite amie.Ce dernier est blesse au cours d'une mission et sa chance de survie ne tient qu'a la determination d'Heero et d'une famille russe.Il n'avait plus qu'a esperer que la journee se finissent mieux qu'elle n'avait commence.Mais lorsque le temps semble s'en meler et qu'une panne de courant vient perturber vos revisions, que pouvez-vous faire. Bathroom Fun NaruSasu.

Les sentiments qu'il avait dissimules refont brutalement surface et Sasuke tentera tout pour conquerir Naruto.Son grand-frere Itachi decide de l'aider a se derider en l'inscrivant a un cours de Tango.Il fera tout pour que ce dernier soit a lui et uniquement a lui.Mais Sakura en profite pour s'incruster aupres de Sasuke au grand desespoir de celui ci.Et surtout pourquoi ne l'ai-je pas remarque avant.Edward l'etonne avec un voyage a leur pre, mais que se produit une fois qu'ils arrive.Sauf que ? Humour pouri, Romance et plus encore.44454.4547.986

SasuNaru and NaruSasu World of Oneshots Chapter 1: My Friendly Protector 1, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction

Even if he agrees to love you, it's only because he's still heartbroken.Well, we had come out of our last period class and was walking toward our favorite spot to have the so-called 'talk'.You always break up with them and not the other way around.Contains lemons, rapes, groping, humping, lies, betrayals, secrets, punishments, babies, baby making times and all that good stuff.Hee-hee, lemons in next chappie, tell me what you think. Review.Both boys were aware of the warmth of the other and unconsciously held each other tighter.As he entered, he saw Naruto pouring water down his back as he tossed his hair backwards.How can he be so naive, is he really that stupid sometimes.Like being alone in the shower, naked and soap running down his lean chest and down his navel and toward?AS THOSE FUCKING PERVERTS STARE AT HIM. NaruSasu-heart.

narusasu fanfiction lemon
narusasu fanfiction lemon wattpad Image source: d.wattpad.com

NOTE: so far two of my stories posted here have been plagiarized.WARNING: yaoi, lemons, nudity, language, angst, drama, fluff, etc.I like plot twists and suspence and pretty much torturing my characters for my own twisted pleasure.Will sparks fly, or will the blonde's BF get in the way.Well, here goes.This year is looking to be the same, or is it.Sasuke easily falls for his roommate Naruto but how long will it take for Naruto to return his affection.When Sasuke leaves for college they make a deal, will they end up happily.WARNING: CHARACTER DEATH, violence, language, sexual refferences but no lemon.But no matter how har he tries he can't break his last bond.KIBASHIKA yes, Kiba and Shikamaru get it on.WARNING: character death.Merry Christmas guys, here's some butt smexing.When an envelope containing a virus is opened by his lover, what will Sasuke do.Will anything ever be simple between these two.Sasuke stopped cheating on Naruto, but has their relationship changed for the better.Naruto is a famous artist whom Sasuke is in love with.

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When they broke apart for breath, Naruto immediately moved his head straight to one of the Uchiha's erect nipples, licking it tenderly.Slowly, teasingly, he undid the tie that was around Sasuke's neck, and buttons of the Uchiha's school shirt.He started licking down the Uchiha's body, only stopping when he reached the hem of Sasuke's pants. Yaoi one-shot.Running a finger down the Uchiha's toned body, he rammed his mouth onto the raven's, and shoved his tongue into his beloved's mouth.Naruto thrusted hard once more, before coming hard in hot spurts.

NaruSasu Complete

narusasu fanfiction lemon
narusasu lemon fanfiction.net Image source: i.skyrock.net

stealth gato is a fanfiction author that has written 57 stories for Naruto

Non bon c'est pas tout a fait l'histoire.Mais je ne comprends pas, je ne comprends plus.Non, ce n'etait pas quelque chose de precieux, ni de tres important mais quand meme si quelqu'un tombait dessus, il serait bien dans la merde.Un jour, il decouvre que le nouveau DRH n'est nul autre que Naruto Uzumaki, son grand rival etant enfant et surtout son premier amour d'adolescent.Sasuke et Naruto n'echapperent pas a la regle.Naruto quitte le domicile a bout de nerf mais ne se doute pas de ce que son depart va engendrer.


belettechan is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom..


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